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Sunday, August 22, 2010
My wishful thinking

Well, how long can I go on like this, wishing to kiss you
Before I rightly explode?
And this double life I lead isn't healthy for me in fact it makes me nervous
If I get caught I could be risking it all

-If It Kills Me, Jason Mraz

"I can't wait for today to begin"

That's it: that's how it starts. One of the best - and worst - days of my life starts with those seven words.

Over the years, I've learned that i shouldn't pass judgment, it's just not my place. Although, it is human nature. I'm not perfect, either. In the end, it's only God's judgment that matters, and I've learned enough to know that no one can presume to know the will of God :):)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ahhhh. Miracle happened to me as i was walking in the middle of the field and a crow just flew pass, slapped my face and dropped me a blank cheque.. so, here i am typing and no, it didn't happen like that. I just prayed that the passion of writing and typing in me won't vanish just like that. And thankfully, it didn't. I mean, i enjoy typing about the current happenings in my life. it's awesome. but to type about it makes me figure that i won't probably forget about the things i do not wish to remember in the first place but as the old saying goes, things happen for a reason and a friend once told me that i should be happy that things are actually going on pretty well in my life and should quit being upset over the events happened and just be grateful.

just be grateful. i thought. not far-fetched at all, don't you think so?
but why, people still tend to look back and sigh.

God, it's awesome to express this way. Whoever invented the typewriter (since it came before keyboard, right?) and blogs. What an invention!

And I've realised too that old friends are coming along and tag. which is really sweeet and unexpected.

To Fatyn, please email me your number alright.
suria_bluegal07@hotmail.com It never changes but nowadays, I've becoming really wary about who adds me and all, so yea.

So let me see, I've not been blogging for like the entire two months of September and October. A lot has been going on. I definitely won't let it pass just like that but i certainly won't type it all out here as well. You know, there are limitations to blogging. and unlike some, I'm aware of that.

I've came to know that God has not stopped giving me gifts. Patience and happiness. Like I've mentioned to Nena, this morning during lecture. I don't mind my life being simple just like how she wants hers to be (just an assumption, go see her blog layout!). I'm like a walking cliche but i I'm a part-time staff at Charles & Keith and like most of the students in Polytechnic, I'm juggling it with studies. I'm turning into a shopaholic since I've got income. Although, not much. It's enough to save me some happiness while I'm at the MALL. MALL is a very sensitive word. When friends say, "Let's head to the mall tomorrow after tutorial". Bear in mind that your POSB, DBS or whatever bank account you're saving your $$ in should stay at home. Trust me, you'll thank me sooner or later.

Studies. Year 2.2 is fun, competitive and crazy. I'm aiming for something better this semester. I mean, who doesn't right. Looking at the schedule, mid-semesters is 3 weeks from now. I've got it all planned out and I'm on the ball for conveyancing, POM and music (CDS) - in hopes of getting A(s) for the following modules.

Oh well, that's it. Right. That should be enough for those blog-hoppers to absorb. I'm not really an interesting person to begin with. I'm a walking cliche whose life isn't that bad. It's not certainly the kind you see in the movies and all i can say is that it's wonderful in its own way. I'm the girl next door who loves Katy perry's crazy songs at times and at other, nice soothing Colbie's acoustic songs. I'm also beginning to be a vivid reader of Nicholas Sparks novels. I've just finished A Walk to Remember. Decide to read it after watching. The movie was superb. That was when my mum happen to believe that she has a really sensitive girl that i cry every single day i come in contact with the novel. It's a heart breaker. Now, I'm reading Dear John. I'm looking forward to The Last Song though. Alright. and oh, before i leave the keyboard, i just want to thank the people who has been there for me. I'm thankful for our friendship!

Over the years, I've learned that i shouldn't pass judgment, it's just not my place. Although, it is human nature. I'm not perfect, either. In the end, it's only God's judgment that matters, and I've learned enough to know that no one can presume to know the will of God :):)

Monday, August 10, 2009

and so, i did. I watched Orphan. And personally, i really think that all of you should head the cinema and watch it as well. It was an awesome experience. Next to Drag me to Hell, Orphan is the best Horror Film. Love the characters, plot and the twist at the end of the Film. Fantastic.

As usual, Paranoia haunts me. And i irritated Fiq for good. I don't want to be the lady in the Film. First, she had difficulties giving birth and the procedure of her miscarriage was shown. The more i hold on to the decision of not giving birth. Secondly, she adopted a psychotic mental patient by mistake. So, there you go, dreams of even having kids at home. Lastly, She got married to such an unsupportive man who is also, a cheating husband. To those who are close to me, you should know me. I can't stand shows like this although I'd whisper a thousand times to myself that it is just a show. But to no avail, it still gets to me.

I've always believed that, choosing the wrong man is a bit like winning the lottery then finding out you've lost the ticket. The hopes, the dreams, the journey to the stars, are all the same. Then the truth hits and the disappointment is beyond crushing. For losing the tickets you want to shoot yourself. In his case, you want to shoot him. But no, i definitely don't think I'm with the wrong guy. This, for those who knows me well also, I'm sure they'll agree too. He has been my shining armour in whatever i do. With whatever I'm faced with in life. He has given me strength and so much understanding for the things happening around me.

Oh well, i feel so depressed now, cause i totally forgot about the MBS forum we have to be involved in. There's always examinations. Unfortunately.

2 Weeks to Main Examinations.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
oh, to be young and worry-free

been so busy for the past few months. felt rather ridiculous for having a blog which has not been updated since then. even so, I've been through a lot lately. had the opportunity to meet up with my business ambassadors committee. we are all of different personalities with different perspectives but there's still this aura of distinct strangeness in myself whenever i am with them and supposedly being the one in-charge of running things, i am still getting the hang of it which is not at all a good news. it has been a month plus being a president of business ambassadors, and I've yet to set a foot forward in bringing Business Ambassadors to a better and recognised height. InsyaAllah, with his guidance and the committee's effort, we'll be able to.

Last weekend, I had to stay overnight at school. It was a great experience. And different too, we had to organise this national rock-climbing competition. so i met with a lot of different people of both weird and hilarious character. Haha! from a small-sized but great climber kid to a weird pervert looking freak! gosh, that's mean. oh well, all in all, it was awesome. we still have another half of the competition being held this weekend. Being part of the administrative team, isn't that bad after all. In fact, it was the most outgoing and interesting job! we get to personally meet the climbers and get access to case sensitive information like the scores and participant's details. haha. ok, maybe, it isn't as cool as it sound. whatever it is, i am so looking forward to this week's. Partly because, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT DONE AND OVER WITH. (i can see nena's big smile, nodding YESSSS!)

Recently, been working so hard for both Contract and Family law. Quite disappointed with my Contract Class Test results - 15%. My next plan will be to score for my individual assignment. And then mug for EXAMINATIONS! I seriously need help with Business Accounting tho. Such a pain in the neck. Why on earth do we (LAW students) have to actually sit for the paper. Can someone bloody remind me with regards to this freaking matter? and there you have it, Family Law Report to be completed by the 7th. I'm spending almost everyday to work on it, now.

Sometimes, i wonder.. when will i ever experience the life of a 5-year-old kid again who is always care-free and the only things you have to worry about is whether you'll be able to catch the spongebob squarepants episode at 6pm without interruptions and that the swing by the playground is available just for you not taken by any hyper creatures out there.

young and care-free. the next kid i see by the playground, i bet I'm going go up to that kid and remind how precious this period of time is for him. and that he should jolly well enjoy it while it lasts..

AWESOME man. I actually feel great in the midst of updating my blog while singing the Lemonade song. I thought i will never get the chance to do this. I can hardly breathe.

Have you ever heard of this song - Lemonade? haha. cute song.
Life gave me lemonade and i cant imagine why.
Born in a sunny day beneath a tangerine sky....
I'm a sucker for happy endings..

Somehow, i could actually understand the significance of the lyrics. and yes, i am definitely a sucker for happy endings.. didn't think that i would actually confuse myself between the modern minds and pastimes. I have to get real.

My class is going to Tioman after examinations! CAN'T WAIT. no wait, i can. In fact, I need to wait, i need time to mug for examinations! Maybe, Vanessa IS right.. I'm just killing brain cells. I have to calm down.

And if love is, what thing and which is he? If love be good, from whennes cometh my woo?
-Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde

Law Investiture '09

Friday, June 19, 2009
Talk is Cheap

These days, i listened to awesome old songs with inspiring lyrics in it. Well, not exactly old. But perhaps, songs that you've listened to ages ago, but i only came across yesterday? Outdated indeed but worth listening to. To those who have not heard of it, I must share.

Bizzarre Love Triangle - Frente
Every time i think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine but it's a problem
I findLiving a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
While every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say
I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way,
I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seemI do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

♥ Chi-Javanese, MUSLIM
♥ 6TH MAY 1991
♥ TP Law Student yr 3
♥ Love kids!
♥ Pixie Lott's HUGE fan
♥ Drama mama
♥ FIQ's love
♥ Friends and family are my happy pills(:


♥ get into NUS!!
♥ get my driving license SOON!
♥ longer hair
♥ Ipod
♥ able to make choco-coated strawberries!
♥ MASTER roller blade/skate
♥ brand new cam![GOTTEN]
♥ NEW wardrobe (it's white!)[GOTTEN]
♥ trip to Paris
♥ and the list goes on..


♥Alex KRAGA♥
♥Atikah HOLQA♥
♥Aidah LAW♥
♥Charlotte LAW♥
♥Claud LAW♥
♥Des LAW♥
♥Duke AC♥
♥Ebenzer KRAGA♥
♥Emi LAW♥
♥Faat LAW♥
♥Fathin LAW♥
♥Fawly HS♥
♥Freddy HS♥
♥Grace HOLQA♥
♥Grace KRAGA♥
♥Jane LAW♥
♥jolene HOLQA♥
♥junru HS♥
♥Hazirah HOLQA♥
♥Huiwen KRAGA♥
♥Kaixin AC♥
♥Kenneth HOLQA♥
♥Leekiang AC♥
♥Nadiah HS♥
♥Natalie KRAGA♥
♥Nena LAW♥
♥Pris KRAGA♥
♥Serene HS♥
♥Shameenah LAW♥
♥Shihua HOLQA♥
♥Sidi LAW♥
♥Trish HOLQA♥
♥Vanessa LAW♥
♥Welson HOLQA♥
♥WeiQi LAW♥
♥Wei Ting HS♥
♥Yanling HOLQA♥
♥Yingen AC♥

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
August 2010